Adult Day Care
At A-1 Absolute Best Care, we offer an adult day care service that is focused around the hobbies and interests of our clients. We adjust our everyday activities around the enthusiasm and passion of our clients to support group interaction. Whether it's taking a trip to the movie theater, or tossing around a football, we know that our clients will have an all-embracing experience that leaves a lasting impact.
More About this Service
Our Adult Day Care service takes place at our Day Habilitation center, or Day Hab for short, where clients are active, engaged, and ready to participate in activities that are monitored by directors and caregivers. Our Day Habilitation center is special because our staff cater activities to the interests of the clients, leaving room for inclusivity and determination to participate. Day Hab offers community integration, encourages invididuals to volunteer or seek employment, and supports individuals' needs and passions. One of our most popular interests in the Day Hab is music therapy.